The European Union (EU) subsidy
Project titled “A system supporting online sale of used clothes” is financed by EU funds under the Competition 1 / 1.1.1 / 2020 Szybka Ścieżka 1_2020, Priority I: Support for R&D works by enterprises, Action: R&D projects of enterprises, Intelligent Operational Program Development 2014-2020 (POIR.01.01.01-00-0420 / 20-00).
Bakers Company (Bakers Sp. z o.o.) is carrying out the project titled “A system supporting online sale of used clothes”.
A summary of the project:
The main goal of the project is to develop the software, that incorporates of artificial intelligence, machine learning and image analysis to support the sale of used clothes online.
This project fits in the global research trends regarding the application of AI methods in the field of fashion and clothing industry (Fashion-Tech). What is especially important, it is its potential contribution to the popularization of circular fashion (closed-loop fashion) – currently the most ecological trend in the economy.
The software will consist of:
• Module for automatic selection of clothes,
• Module that explains the reasons for the decision to accept the garment for sale or to reject it,
• Module determining optimal resale prices for used clothes,
• Module matching clothes into sets according to the required parameters.
The target group of the project consist of parents of children up to 12 years of age: one group is formed of buying parents, for whom constant expenses on clothing for growing children form a heavy burden on the household budget, the other group are parents who have an excess of unused children’s clothes at home, which they are not able to manage / discard responsibly.
The implementation of the software will take place as part of the Bakers Company’s own commercial activity and will be validated in a quantitative change in sales of second-hand clothing. Its impact should substantially derive from automation and objectification of company’s processes.
One of the expected effects of the project implementation, will be the increase of online availability of second-cycle clothing, which has a direct impact on reducing the consumption of natural resources for the clothing production.
Project value: PLN 7,422,669.78
Contribution of European Funds: PLN 5,502,593.18